
Rúa Pintor Laxeiro, 13, 36211 Vigo, Pontevedra, Spain


Office center Leonardo, Bohdan Khmelnitsky street, 52, Kyiv, 02000


Prudential Centre 22nd Floor, Jalan Casablanca Raya Kav.88, Kel. Menteng
Dalam, Kec. Tebet, Kota Adm. Jakarta Selatan, Provinsi DKI Jakarta

The company specializes in precision farming systems and sells technology.
We specialize in the purchase and sale of precision farming equipment. The main mission of the Center for Precision Farming is the introduction of innovative technologies in the agricultural sector, increasing the efficiency of agricultural work. We are ready to help enterprises interested in modernizing agricultural machinery and increasing yields.

  • Precision farming systems. This is a complex of technologies aimed at obtaining maximum profit from each square meter of the field with the rational use of seeds, fertilizers and fuel. Systems include connecting and installing navigation systems, autopilots, repairing sprayers, installing base stations and yield map sensors that will help increase the profitability of agribusiness.
  • Installation of autopilots. Machines can be equipped with hydraulic or electromechanical devices that allow agricultural machinery to work in poor visibility conditions, including at night.
  • Study of the soil and the creation of cartograms. With innovative equipment, you can perform field analysis to more efficiently fertilize and plant crops. With the help of touch sensors and data from GPS devices, you will receive a detailed cartogram of the area.
  • Installation of RTK stations and connection to them. Their implementation allows you to obtain high accuracy throughout the entire cycle of work.

What are precision farming systems
To control the productivity of crops and other technological operations, precision farming systems in agriculture are used, which include the use of computer and satellite technologies. Their main goal is to increase efficiency and obtain consistently high yields. With the help of GPS technology, there is a collection, analysis of actions that were performed in the process of land cultivation. Thus, you can understand exactly what seeds and fertilizers are needed in a certain area.


With the help of GPS navigation, the direction indicators set the direction of movement along the required trajectory. Using electromagnetic field survey, you can display a complete picture of the land and simplify the construction of task maps to improve soil fertility.


Our own network of RTK stations, which are located throughout the country, allow receiving signals with an accuracy of 2 cm.

For further analysis of the work, the yield mapping system will allow to determine the zones of greatest productivity. With its help, you can receive information in real time about the harvest.

When planning to introduce precision farming systems into agriculture, first of all, you should carefully monitor the capabilities of technology determine to which extent the machines are ready to be equipped.

The next stage is the creation of field maps for cultivation, fertilization and sowing of crops. Thanks to the accurate data of electronic contours, it is possible to find out the number of land holdings.


For the effective performance of various operations by equipment, parallel driving systems are installed and navigation lines are created, which determine the control of the direction of movement of cars.


For the successful use of precision farming systems, software is connected, the main task of which is to analyze and save data received from machines and drones.

Innovative systems from the Center for Precision Farming allow farmers to solve many different problems, increasing profits, while saving time and money.