
Rúa Pintor Laxeiro, 13, 36211 Vigo, Pontevedra, Spain


Office center Leonardo, Bohdan Khmelnitsky street, 52, Kyiv, 02000


Prudential Centre 22nd Floor, Jalan Casablanca Raya Kav.88, Kel. Menteng
Dalam, Kec. Tebet, Kota Adm. Jakarta Selatan, Provinsi DKI Jakarta



For every agronomist, what the harvest will be is of great importance. And its quality directly depends on the quality of the seed. It is logical to assume that if last year a certain variety gave a good result, then this year you should buy the same one and you can expect an excellent harvest.

Many are interested in the question of how to choose grain seeds. And this is quite understandable, because the harvest and, accordingly, future earnings will depend on your choice. The seed catalog contains the best samples that satisfy all the needs of the modern agricultural sector.

When choosing from a variety of suggested options, pay attention to the following factors:


  • the quality of the seed - it must be dry, of a standard color, and free of foreign odors;
  • whole grains without foreign inclusions;
  • elite seeds and high quality seeds have a slight sheen, which is given to them by a protective layer;
  • the manufacturer has provided all the necessary information on specific grain crops.

Wheat is rightfully considered one of the most valuable and demanded crops in the world. This is not surprising - in addition to the large amount of nutrients (gluten, protein, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium) that wheat contains, it is the main raw material in the manufacture of various food products. The most common is the production of flour, using waste materials for animal feed.

  • High-intensity type of universal use.
  • Yield 7.6 - 11.5 t / ha. It has a large, well-grained ear (62-68 grains) and large productive bushiness (3-4 stems per plant).
  • Medium-ripe, growing season 283-285 days
  • Frost and winter hardiness is increased (8-9 points), dry - Heat resistance is high (8-9 points).
  • Resistance to major diseases in the field at the level of 5-6 points.

Sunflower can be safely called the main oilseed crop of our country. The rich lands accept sunflower seeds well, allowing domestic farmers to collect good harvests, selling them both within the country and far beyond its borders.
It is not surprising that the demand for sunflower seeds is growing every year, because the high profitability of this crop attracts businessmen who are engaged in the cultivation and sale of sunflower seeds.

  • High energy of initial growth provides fast coverage of the
    soil with a leaf surface, which minimizes the development
    and harmfulness of weeds in crops.
  • Differs in plasticity to terms of sowing.
  • Resistant to lodging.
  • High resistance to phomosis.
  • Resistant to white and gray rot.

Corn is one of the most common crops in the world. In terms of popularity, this seed can be safely placed on a par with sunflower and wheat. What is the reason for this? First of all, the wide applicability of this culture, as well as in addition to its use within the country, the sowing culture is massively exported, providing our farmers with a good income.

  • It has a strong stem and strong root system.
  • The height of the attachment of the beginning is 110-115 cm.
  • Has a high genetic potential for productivity due to a significant number of rows in a fork up to 20 rows.
  • The grain is tooth-like, large, the mass of 1000 seeds is up to 320 g. Differs in a high content of starch (68-70%) and protein (about 9%).
  • Tolerant to diseases (helminthosporiosis, fly smut) and pests (corn moth).
  • High adaptability to weather conditions.

Barley is a crop widely used in our country. It can be used both in the food sector and in agriculture, as feed for livestock. In addition, spring barley seeds are used in brewing, which makes this crop even more attractive.
In the food sector, grain is used for the manufacture of cereals (barley and pearl barley), as well as for coffee drinks.

  • Critical negative temperature in the tillering node - 13 C °.
  • Differs in a dense dense stalk stand.
  • Plant height - 80 cm, drought resistance - 8 points, resistance to shedding - 8 points.
  • Medium early (252- 256 days).
  • Immune to smut diseases, resistance to powdery mildew - 6 points, to helminthosporiosis - 5 points.
  • Protein content - 11.5%.

Millet is the most important cereal crop, belongs to the group of grain breads. Highly nutritious cereals are made from its grain - millet, which contains 12% protein, 3.5% fat and has high taste.
Millet also contains a large amount of starch, therefore it is used for the production of alcohol. Millet is a waste-free crop. Unprocessed millet is used as a very valuable animal feed. The waste that is obtained during the processing of millet into cereals (tormented, husk) is also an excellent feed.

  • High-yielding, yield 46-62.
  • Medium late (growing season 89-98 days).
  • Resistant to lodging.
  • Resistant to shedding.
  • Drought resistance is high.
  • Disease and pest resistance average.

Rape is an important oilseed crop that grows in beneficial lands. This plant not only has an attractive appearance, but is also unique in its properties. Its seeds are used to make oil and even fuel material. Also, rapeseed is a good melliferous plant, from which beekeepers collect good harvests of honey.
Interestingly, it is impossible to meet this crop in the wild, it grows exclusively on agricultural land.

  • Weight of 1000 seeds 5-5.5 g (at the level of hybrids).
  • Low plant habit - 138 cm (it saves fertilizers, moisture, fuel).
  • The formation of many lateral branches is characteristic.
  • Good winter hardiness.
  • High yield of cultivar tests and production conditions.
  • Grows quickly in autumn (can be sown at a later date).
  • Good lodging resistance (at low density).
  • Disease resistant (phomosis, black leg, gray rot).
  • Grows quickly in spring has a high ability to fill liquefied spaces between plants.
  • Oil content in dry seeds (%) -46.73.
  • GSL content μmol / g seed 9% wet.
  • Erucic acid content (%) - 0.06.